15 | 03 | 2013
French Italian Serbian Spanish Ukrainian

Hair Idioms - Идиомы о волосах


I let my hair down - я расслабился (дал себе передышку),

Keep your hair on - не выходи из себя, успокойся,

I'm tearing my hair out - я на этом просто помешан.



Hello - привет!

I’m a very interesting - я очень интересный and intelligent man - и умный человек and hairy man.
And today, this hair and I will be teaching you some English idioms.
I bet you’ve never been taught by some hair before.
I’ve been a little bit busy recently but today, as you can see, I’ve decided to let my hair down.

In English, if we behave in a less serious way than usual and enjoy ourselves a little, we can say “I let my hair down.”
I let my hair down.
[Phone ringing] Hey, what’s happening baby?
Oh, sir it's you! err yes, yes, of course, yes I’ll do that tomorrow, ok, really?

Right now? ok, ok, ok… keep your hair on!

[Hangs up the phone]
In English, if you want someone who’s angry to calm down, you can say “keep your hair on”. Keep your hair on.
Fortunately, I never get angry. What do you mean?

I do not! I'm always calm!… Look here you – I never get angry! I'm always calm! What is the matter with you? Look at me now! I'm calm…

I'm calm and relaxed! Aarghhhh!
Darts. My favourite sport.
Oh but it’s so tense… I'm tearing my hair out!
In English, if we're very anxious about something we can say “I’m tearing my hair out.” I’m tearing my hair out.



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