Yoga - Йога

Learn to talk about what you are able to do in English.

talking about sports, hobbies
practicing new sounds
talking about likes and dislikes
using too very enough

In this beginner English lesson you will see two people talking about yoga and other types of exercise. They introduce some vocabulary relating to exercise and sports.

 TRAINER: Yoga is a system of stretching and breathing exercises. It's very good for strengthening and exercising different parts of the body.

Alex: Excuse me!

Nick: Hi. Are you interested in signing up for one of my yoga classes?

A: Well, I certainly need to improve my fitness. A few years ago I could run fast. Now I get out of breath very quickly.( Alex emphasizes that she could do it before and wants to do it again.)

N: That's a common problem. Yoga can help improve heart rate and stamina. (Stamina is staying power or endurance.)

A: What exactly is yoga?

N: Yoga is a system of stretching and breathing exercises. It's also very good for strengthening and exercising different parts of the body. (Deep breathing is central to Yoga practice.)

A: I could bend and stretch easily when I was young. Now, I can't move so easily. How can I improve my fitness?

N: Exercise two or three times a week at first. It's important not to do too much too soon.

A: Well, why can't I exercise every day?

N: Because too much exercise can be dangerous. A few hours a week should be enough to begin with. (/Too/ and /enough/ are used here to define the appropriate rate of exercise.)

A: I could do gymnastics and play hockey when I was in school. I'd like to be fit again.

N: Well, why don't you try one of my classes?





Expressions: go for it! Good job! Hang in there! Nice job!





Talking about past ability using could


James could drive when he was 15


I could play soccer all day when I was young


Talking about what you like


I like walking in the park


I don’t like cold weather


Using too very and enough


I don’t want to walk in the park today, it’s too cold


Margaret was smiling all day, she seems very happy


That dish was so small, are you sure you had enough to eat?





Use “can” to talk about ability in the present


Use “could” to talk about ability in the past




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