№3 Failure to Stop



The biggest mistakes that I’ll say are they won’t make complete stops. Or they will just kinda come up, look and roll right through the stop.  People think that they pause or that they’ve rolled a stop and there’s nobody in an intersection and that’s enough, but we’re not called to market it, it’s enough or called to market it, it’s not done at all. 


Stopping over the limit lines is another big one / because again they feel they’re looking to see if it’s clear especially on right turns, they wanna pull up and see if it’s clear to make that right turn, so they felt to make a proper stop behind the limit line and check first to see if anyone needs to cross. 

I would say 90% of the people out their taking drive test are extremely confused with that limit line, and you know we wanna get it out there that all you need to do is stop / look left and right pedestrians, if there are none creep up if they can not see traffic creep up so they can see traffic better and then, from that point make their turns. 



creep up, v. advance stealthily or unnoticed
Without notice, age starts creeping up on you once you’re over the hill. (


A lot of times there are school buses on our particular route, and our applicant will just drive right through with red lights on, you have children crossing and that’s automatic fail because they didn’t stop.  Whether they are on the same side to the bus or the opposite side of the bus, you have to stop until the red lights go off. 


My love to science goes off. 

' I'm sorry that my love to you goes off right here!  

" Love will be turning back on one day. 

The most common reason in our drive test that causes a critical error on a drive test is usually the red arrow, ah, making a right turn against the red right turn arrow on our specific route and usually they do that safely they’ll stop and they’ll look and it’ll be done safely however it is illegally and it’s not correct.  You’re to come to complete stop and not attempt to move and you’re supposed to hold your position until the light turns green.       


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