Bee Idioms - Идиомы о пчелах


Busy as a bee - трудиться как пчела,

The bee's knees – колени пчелы,

To have a bee in your bonnet - иметь пчелу в вашей шляпе


Hello - привет!

Im a very interesting я - очень интересный and intelligent man - и умный человек.


And today these bees and I - и сегодня эти пчелы и я are getting together to teach you - собираемся вместе обучить вас a thing or two about English idioms – одной или двум английским идиомам.

I bet – держу пари, you’ve never been taught – что вы никогда не обучались by a bee before – пчелой прежде!

Look at them – посмотрите на них all working away – все работают: busy, buzzy bees – трудятся, трудолюбивые пчелы.

Busy, buzzy, buzzy, buzzy, buzzy ……buzz buzz.

In English, - в английском языке, if someone is very busy - если кто-то очень занят or is moving around quickly – или быстро двигается doing lots of things – делая много вещей, we can say - мы можем сказать, they’re busy as a bee - что они трудятся, как пчела.

Busy as a bee - трудиться как пчела,



Now, what else do we know about bees?
Hmm, my favourite – runny honey.


I love honey. In fact, I think it’s the bee’s knees!

Now I know what you’re thinking “What are you talking about you silly man? The bee’s knees?”
In English, if we think that something is excellent, or of the very highest quality, we can say it’s the bee’s knees.

The bee's knees.

Like my lessons – they're the bee's knees.
Now, they may make yummy, runny honey, but never forget that bees have a nasty side.

They sting.
So you wouldn’t want one to fly up here into your hat – or bonnet as we call this old fashioned ladies’ hat.
So, how would you feel if you had a bee in your bonnet? Extremely worried.
In English, if someone is very worried or concerned about something and they talk about it all the time, we can say they’ve got a bee in their bonnet.

To have a bee in your bonnet.



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