Crossord - Кроссворд

Click on a number in the crossword to see the clues. Нажмите на порядковый номер, затем впишите слово в появившееся поле.

  1            13        2    14                     
    5                    6                   
  7                    8                     
9                  10                         
  11                12                         

Across / По горизонтали:

1. a fee-paying school
2. a school for higher or professional education
3. an electronic device which plays an important part in education
4. a famous English poet
5. a famous English playwright
6. a school for children under 5
7. the oldest university in Britain
8. a mode of instruction in Oxford and Cambridge universities
9. one of the popular sports exercises
10. a boy's public school in Scotland
11. an academic title awarded by universities and other institutions of learning
12. one of the courses that students can follow at Polytechnics or colleges

Down / По вертикали:

13.the university that was founded in the 13th centuary
14. a form of studies for people who study in their own free time
