Crime - Преступление

Learn to ask and answer yes/no questions in the past tense in English using "did" and "didn't".


In this beginner English lesson you will see a cyclist reporting a bicycle theft. He answers the police officer's questions using the past tense.

Hi my name is Steve
My girlfriend told me that I need to lose my weight do some way for a bike ride today
and homework at all times and i think it's important that warm up
most of you that during this teacher wanted to today's lesson.
Study Points
In this lesson we will study yes-or-no questions in english
Do you lock your bike?
Yes, I do.
Did you keep it inside?
No I didn't
With yes or no questions you voice goes up at the end
First there are some words about bicycles.
Do you lock your bike to keep our bikes and we lock them with a bicycle locked.
You need to lock at bike to something a lamp post maybe.
A lamp posts is a total light for the street.
We are now going to watch a short moving
This person lost her bicycle. She is talking to the police on the telephone
Officer: Hello, nine one nine dispatch
Women: Hello, officer? Somebody stole my bicycle
O: Ok, can you tell me what happened, madam?
W: Well I ride into the city everyday and leave it exactly at the same place. Today when I returned after work I couldn't find it.
O: So where exactly did you leave it
W: I left around the corner on Main Street by the post office
O: Did you lock it to something
W: Yes of course I lock it to lamp post
O: And, when did you put it there
W: I put it about half past eight this morning
O: Did the thief break the lock
W: Yes he broke it all right
Now let's talk about the questions
Sometimes we ask questions that have a yes or no answer.
When that question is in the past we used did
Did he steal your bike? Yes, he stole my bike.
Steal becomes stole
When the answer is no
we use didn’t to show the past
Did he steal your bike? No, he didn't steal my bike.
Sometimes the word doesn't change at all.
Did he put a lock on it? Yes, he put a lock on it. No, he didn't put a lock on it.
Let's go on
Ok, I am going to do it for jog.
Try listening to the language
The sound of yes-or-no questions goes up at the end
Listen for the word something
O: Did you lock it to something
Did you hear it it's a yes-or-no question so the sound goes up look at this question
Does this question go up at the end?
O: So where exactly did you leave it
Now the sound didn't go up
This is not a yes or no question
What do you think about this question - is that yes or no does it go up
O: Did the thief break the lock?
W: Yes he broke it all right
yes it did get a lot
Review Points
So in today today's lesson we've learned that when you ask the question with a yes or no answer your voice goes up at the end
Does that make sense
Did he steal your bike? Yes, he did. No, he didn't.
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