2. Preposition IN and ON

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A grammar lesson for the lower levels.

 Topic: IN and ON as prepositions of time.


Do you know which holidays Americans celebrate in the fall? -
Ты знаешь, какие праздники празднуют американцы осенью?


I enjoy Halloween - Я люблю Хеллоуин.


It's in October - Это в октябре.


Every year on October 31children wear costumes,-  каждый год 31 октября дети одевают костюмы
and in the evening they go trick-or-treating around the neighbornhood - и вечером они идут по соседям за угощением.


It's a lot of fun - это очень весело.


go trick-or-treating (v.)

= to go fromhome to home asking for candy on Halloween


Look closely! - Посмотри внимательнее!


Try to understand the use of in and on - Попытайся понять в каких случаях употребляется in, а в каких on.


When do we use IN?

When do we use ON?

Когда мы употребляем предлог IN?

Когда мы употребляем предлог  ON?

"in" = use with a period of time

"on" = use with a point in time

in - применяется когда указывается период  времени

on - применяется, если указано точное время.



We use IN with months:

For example: "in January"

January - in January,
February - in February,
March - in March,
April - in April,
May - in May,
June - in June,
July - in July,
August - in August,
September - in September,
October - in October,
November - in November,
December - in December.



We can use IN with seasons.

For example: "in the spring"


(the) spring / (the) springtime
(the) summer / (the) summertime
autumn / the fall
(the) winter / (the) wintertime


autumn (the fall) - осень. Это слово немного отличается в употреблении от других.

C "autumn" обычно артикль не используется, а "the fall" - может использоваться как с артиклем, так и без артикля.

Для всех остальных времен года мы можем выбирать употреблять их с артиклем или без него.



We use IN with years.

For example: in 2008, in 2009 ...

But we don't say - но мы не можем сказать:

"in last year" or "in next year" or "in every year"

The correct phrases are - правильные фразы:

last year -  прошлый год,
next year - следующий год,
every year - каждый год

т.е предлог IN - не употребляется перед словами last, next и every.



We use IN with times of the day.

For example: "in the morning"


Morning / Afternoon / Evening

So we say: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.


But we don't say - но мы не можем сказать:



"in night"

The correct way to say this is:
Правильныq способ сказать это:

 at night



We use ON with dates:

For example: "on January 1",

"on July 4, 1776"


We use ON with days of the week:


For example: "on Sunday"

Sunday - on Sunday,
Monday - on Monday,
Tuesday  - on Tuesday,
Wednesday - on Wednesday,
Thursday - on Thursday,
Friday - on Thursday,
Saturday - on Saturday


We use ON when we have a time of the day and a day of the week:

For example:  "on Sunday morning"


We use ON with holidays:

For example: "on Mother's Day"

"on Christmas Eve / Day" - on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day

BUT  we usually say: "at Chrismas"


Look at this

other uses of ON:

We say: on the weekend

on a weekday (будни = Monday-Friday)

on a workday



Exercise 1 / Упражнение 1:

Watch and listen.

Let's complete the sentenses:

a. Valentine's Day is in_________ (month).   (answer: February)

b. Valentine's Day is on ________ (date).   (answer: February 14)



Exercise 2 / Упражнение 2:

Watch and listen.

Do you remember?

Let's complete this sentenses together:

a. Christmas is on ________ (date).   (answer: December 25)

b. The family exchanges gifts in _________ (time of day).  (answer: the morning).

c. The family has dinner in __________ (time of day).   (answer: the evening).



Exercise 3 / Упражнение 3:

Watch and listen.

Independence Day = Forth of July

Do you remember?

Let's complete this sentenses together:


a. Americans celebrate Independence Day in _________ (season).    (answer: the summer or the summer time).

b. Independence Day is on __________ (date). (answer: July 4).

c. The first Independence Day was in ________ (year).   (answer: 1776).


Прочитать о других национальных праздниках вы можете эдесь


Exercise 4/ Упражнение 4:

Ask a friend these question


Write your answer to these questions.

1. What is your favorite holiday? - Какой твой любимый праздник?

2.When do you celebrate this holiday? - Когда ты празднуешь этот праздник?

3. What do you do on this holiday? - Что ты делаешь в этот праздник?

Thanks for watching!

Happy Studies!



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