6a Prepositions - Common Mistakes in English

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Topic: Prepositions in the context of meals.  Level: Intermediate.


This is a lesson in two parts. Part One offers explanations and practice. Highlighted prepositions: AT, BEFORE, AFTER, WITH, and FOR.


You can eat a muffin at dinner.  So at plus meal is emphasizing the time of the day.  

Вы можете съесть сдобу  на  обед. Так, название еды, плюс предлог at, подчеркивает время дня. 


We can break a day into three times, three periods; breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

Мы принимаем пищу три раза в день, три периода; завтрак, обед, и обед.


At dinner is telling you to wait until the last period of the day, the last meal of the day. 

At dinner указывает вам ждать до последнего периода дня, последнего принятия пищи.


You can have a muffin before dinner means first, you get a muffin, you eat it and now you can have your dinner.  



You can have a muffin after dinner means first, you eat this (meal or dish), and then you can have a muffin (as a desert!).  


You can have a muffin with your dinner.  It means you can have it all together (a muffin and dinner). 

You can have a muffin for dinner.  That means that’s all you get for dinner.  This is your dinner!

Note, it’s always important to understand the whole situation.
In order to understand the meaning, you need to understand the whole situation.   

In this situation, for breakfast means that the muffin is being saved for breakfast.  It’s meant for breakfast tomorrow morning, not for now. So we’re talking about what’s meant for, what it’s intend for.

Both sentences arecorrect.  When the sentences stand alone, they mean basically the same thing. 

In this situation, ‘with’ is the better choice, because we’re talking about things that we eat together.  Bread goes nicely with soup, and it goes nicely with sauce. 

Here the better choice is at because we’re focusing on the meal time, he period of the day during which we eat bread. 

Now, let’s try exercise. 

Read the entire situation to yourself and then I’ll tell you the answer.


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