15 | 03 | 2013
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Pronunciation Tips Introduction

Pronunciation Tips from an excellent series from the BBC.



Hello, my name’s Alex.  And if you want to learn about or improve your English pronunciation, you’ve come to the right place.  There are videos, quizzes, activities, and downloads to help you practice your English.  

Now good pronunciation is very important for good spoken communication.  But what do we mean by good pronunciation?  Well, you don’t have to speak English like a native speaker.  It’s fine to have a different accent.  

But what is important is that you’re able to speak clearly and that you don’t prevent other people from understanding what you’re trying to say.  

There are many different English accents in Britain and all around the world.  These are all good models.  Now my accent is standard southern British English.  And that’s what I’ll be showing you on this site.  Have fun!   


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