15 | 03 | 2013
French Italian Serbian Spanish Ukrainian

Listening test 103 - questions




Now be ready - сейчас приготовьтесь to answer the questions - отвечать на вопросы.


You may use your notes to help you to answer.


  • 12) What is the talk mainly about?

  • 13) Why does the professor mentiomns sir Walter Raleigh?

  • 14) What does the professor say about Jamestown

  • 15) According to the professor, what is the significance of tobacco being grown in Kamestown?

  • 16) Why does the professor discuss the archeological digs that have taken place in Jamestown?

  • 17) Why does the professor say this?



12: d
13: a
14: d
15: c
16: b
17: b





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