Google Voice gives you one phone number for all your phones, voicemail as easy as email, and many calling features for free.
>> A Google phone number is like a regular phone number, except it's not tied to a phone
or a location; it's tied to you. When somebody calls you, they just call your
Google number, and they don't have to decide to call you at home, work, or on your cell.
And with a Google number, you choose where it rings.
It can ring all your phones at once, or differnt phones, based on who's calling.
When your friends call, have it ring your home and cell phone; when your family calls,
all your phones; and when your chatty neighbor calls, have it go straight to Google voicemail.
>> Hey, Vincent, what's going on?
>> Hey, Vincent, it's Craig.
>> Hey, Vincent, are you there?
>> Listen to voicemails from any phone or online...
>> Hey, Vincent.
>> ...or read automated transcripts of vociemails. When you change jobs, move homes, or switch
your phone service, just update the phone numbers at your Google number rings.
Your Google number stays the same.
Two parts: when you receive, you choose where it goes. when you want to listen, you choose where to listen.
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