Here's an unusual video - вот необычное видео, that will surprise you - которое, возможно, удивит вас.
- I'm here to get validated - я здесь, чтобы получить подтверждение. - You...You are awesome - Вы..Вы удивительный - Excuse me - извините? - You have an amazing face - у Вас удивительное лицо,you've got powerful features man - у Вас черты сильного человека.
Anyoneevertellyouthat - кто-то говорил вам об этом когда-нибудь?
- Uhm, No - мм. Нет. - Then listen - тогда слушайте,you look a little down - Вы выглядите немного подавленным,and it may seem like sometimes people don't understand you - и иногда может показаться, что люди не понимают Вас, but some day man - но в один из дней,SOME day people are going to see - в один из дней люди увидят, you for what you really are - кто Вы есть на самом деле.
- You... you really think so - Вы… Вы на самом деле так думаете? - Absolutel - абсолютно.You are great - Вы замечательный.
- Need a validation please - мне нужно подтверждение, пожалуйста. - You, You are great ma'am - Вы, Вы великолепны, мадам,you have amazing cheekbones - у вас изумительные скулы. - Really - правда?
- Sir - сэр! - Yes - да? - We have a situation - у нас чрезвычайная ситуация. - Where - где?
- What the hell is going on- что, черт возьми, здесь происходит?
- You've been through it - Вы прошли через это, you know - Вы знаете.You have so much life experience - у Вас так много жизненного опыта,that other people don't appreciate, - который другие люди не ценят, but you know - но Вы знаете. - Bless you dear - благослови Вас Бог, дорогой.
- They're not patronizing the shop - они не постоянные покупатели магазина,they're just coming here to see him - они приехали, чтобы только увидеть его!
- Siryou'reinagreatshape - сэр, Вы в великолепной форме!You work out? - Not for long - не так давно. - I do, actually - я делаю, фактически, yeah, a bit, yeah, thanks - да, немного, да, спасибо.
- Young man - молодой человек, we are running a business here - мы управляем бизнесом здесь, not a social club - а не социальным клубом. - Thatisafantasticsuit - это - фантастический костюм,itreallyflattersyou - это действительно идет Вам. - You... thinkso- Вы... так думаете? - Youguysworksohard - вы парни работаете так трудно, youarethebackbone -вы - основа,thatkeepsthisplacerunning - которая держит это место работоспособным! - Ialwaysfelt - я всегда чувствовал, likenoonereallyappreciatedus -что никто по-настоящему не ценит нас. - Yeah, Imean - да, я имею в виду, ourjobsaresostressful - что наши рабочие места настолько полны стресса, itseemslike, mostofthetimespeopledon'tseeit - что кажетсят, что большую часть времени люди не видят это. - No, whatyoudo - нет, то, что Вы делаете, issoimportant -это так важно. - Youknow, Ibet - вы знаете, я держу пари,thebosswouldlovetomeetyou - что босс хотел бы встретиться с Вами.
- Youaregreat -Вы такой великий, youprovidehundredsofjobs -Вы обеспечиваете сотни рабочих мест, sustaininghundredsoffamilies - поддерживая сотни семей.
That'shuge - это такая огромная работа! - That'ssogoodtohear - это так приятно слышать,mosttimesIfeel - большую часть времени я чувствую,likepeopledon'trecognizethat - люди не признают это, I'mjustthebigbadman- я для них просто большой плохой человек onthehill- на вершине. - Notatall, yougive- вовсе нет, Вы много им даете. - Youknow, Iknowsomepeople - Вы знаете, я знаю некоторых людей, who'dprobablyliketomeetyou -которые, вероятно, хотели бы встретить Вас.
- Mr. president, - мистер президент, no matter what people say about you, - независимо от того что люди говорят о Вас, you have still - Вы все еще got a great golf swing – великолепны в гольфе.
- Godblessyou - Да благословит вас Господь.
- You do!
- You have a fantastic moustache, - у Вас фантастические усы, I bet - я держу пари, ___look at you and get envious, - что ___смотрят на Вас и завидуют, I'm not kidding - я не шучу!
- Thank you - спасибо.
- You're welcome - пожалуйста!
- Hugh Newman, a man who is changing the world - Хью Ньюман, человек, который изменяет мир withfreeparking- со свободной стоянкой andfreecompliments - и свободными комплиментами.
- Yourlicenseisexpiredsir - ваша лицензия истекает, сэр. - Thatiswhyyou'regreatatwhatyou'redoing, - именно поэтому Вы велики в том, что Вы делаете, youaresothorough - Вы настолько полны. - Really- действительно? You think so - вы так думаете?
- Hugh, what is your secret? - Хью, каков Ваш секрет?
- Ijustlovetosee– мне просто нравится видеть peoplesmile - как люди улыбаются!
So if you're feeling blue All you gotta do is say goodbye to ++++ giving you smile smile smile Oh Lordy, smile, smile... smile!
- It seems there is no one Hugh Newman cannot make smile.
- Next!
- No one smiles in their driver's license photo sir, it's not allowed. - Next! - Next! - You are amazing, you are so efficient. - Next! - Victoria... aw that's a beautiful name. - Next! - You take such good care of your equipment, oh, they're lucky to have you! - We're closed, sir. - Victoria, I just... want to see you smile. - Good night, sir - Where do I go for...? - We don't validate, sir.
- Next! - They match your eyes, sort of. Oh, you have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. - Next.. - You eat healthy too, see, you take good care of yourself, that's awesome. - See? You're even a great pet owner, you give her a full hour's walk. Most people would't take the time, but you care! oh you care. - Have you ever smiled? - Yes. - When? - When I was a little girl. - Aww, I bet you had a beautiful smile. What happened to it? - Next!
- Look like anyone you know? - Next! - There's colour and black and white. - Next!
- Next! - I just wanted to see you smile. - I'm sorry. - Next!
- I'm here to get validated, please! - You're... okay, I guess. - Okay? Did you say okay? - Yeah you're fine... - Don't you have anything else to say? - What's the point...?
- Hey! excuse me! excuse me! Could you take our picture? - Thanks, I really appreciate it. - It's our first time here. - Smile. - That's not a real smile! You guys love each other? You're on vacation travelling the world? God, that's great! Wish I could travel the world with the one I love. Wish I could have someone take our picture and really smile. You guys have every reason to smile! You're gorgeous! You are in the prime of your lives! You guys... are great! Hold it right there, Now, that is a smile!... One more one more, right there. Aw that's it! one more one more. Beautiful, Beautiful! Look at each other. Aw fantastic couple. What do you love most about your wife? - Erm, she accepts me, despite knowing me.
- Where did you meet? - On ++++ duty. - Aw, serve your country and meet the love of your lives. You guys are awesome. - Beautiful, beautiful. - Thank you so much. - Okay, bye. - Excuse me, you get the most sincere smiles out of people I've ever seen, you wanna make some extra money? Shooting stuff like this?
- Friendly folks, sorry to interrupt, you're a beautiful couple. You're models? - No. - Would you like to be?
- You have two of the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. - Excuse me? - Your eyes, their gorgeous! You're gorgeous, and your dress matches your eyes, it's perfect! May I? - Okay. - What do you love most in all the world? - My daughter, she has the most wonderful smile.
- Hello, for a dental cleaning. Hugh Newman. - Hello Hugh, can you just get your driver's license ++++? - Sure. - Thank you.
- Hey. - Hey, man. - How did you...You're...Smiling! But...she...did you?
- NEXT! - Excuse me, sir, err... where's Victoria? - She don't work here, she was fired! - NEXT! - Fired? Why?! - She was smiling! Look at this, she DID this. Look at that girl smiling, look a that! those pictures SUCK! They're not suppose to smile! - Where is she?
- You are awesome, you're gonna have so much fun on this trip. The stories you're gonna tell people when you get back will be amazing - I can't wait, I've always wanted to see Paris.
- I don't understand, I tried everything, what happened? - When I was a little girl, my mother got very sick and she stayed that way. And over the years she juts got so sad that she forgot how to smile, and seeing her like that I couldn't smile either, and I didn't... for years. But then one day, a young man came up to her and told her how beautiful she was, so beautiful that you wanted to take her picture. He made her smile and suddenly after all those years she got better. I knew it was you, I looked everywhere for you, but I couldn't find you anywhere. I went to every garage in town, I paid every fee they had but I couldn't find you. - You paid for parking... for me? - Yes, because you... are great. - You... are amazing. - No one has ever said that about me before.