15 | 03 | 2013
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Finding the Product of Fractions

Basic Math Skills : Finding the Product of Fractions

(Learn the mathematical process) изучайте математический процесс (for finding the product of fractions) для нахождения доли продукта.

 (Find the product of fractions) найдите долю продукта (by multiplying all the numerators) умножая все числа (and dividing the product of the denominators) и подводя продукт под знаменатель.


Okay, now I'm going to show you how to find the product of fractions.

Let's take three randomly chosen fractions; three eighths times one fifth times one half.

To find the product of fractions we just multiply all the numerators and divide by the product of the denominators.

Three times one times one is just three.

Eight times five is forty times two is eighty.

And as you can see the solution to the product of fractions is just the product of their individual numerators divided by the product of the individual denominators.

The answer is three over eighty.

Okay, I'm going to show you another example using the same method for multiplying fractions.

Let's take three fractions; three halves multiplied by two fifths multiplied by one fourth.

Just like in the first example I'm going to multiply all the numerators and divide by the product of the denominators.

Three times two is six times one is six.

Two times five is ten times four is forty.

So again, the product of three fractions is the product of the individual numerators divided by the product of the individual denominators.





divide by


the solution to the product fractions


the product of individual numerators




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