15 | 03 | 2013
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Intonation in questions - Интонация в вопросах


(Part FOUR offers) в 4 части предлагается (practice) попрактиковаться (with intonation in questions) с интонациями в вопросах. 

Levels/уровень: intermediate/средний to advanced/продвинутый.

Topic: Falling and Rising Intonation.

Viewers can also strengthen their ability to comprehend what different intonation patterns communicate.

Tips for more natural intonation are shared.


Exercise 5

Did I read all questions with the same intonation pattern?


If you need to go back and listen to how I read those four questions. 

Now it’s your turn to practice intonation patterns in questions. [see screen and listen Jennifer].  


Exercise 6


I’ll give you a moment to read the question on your own, and then I’ll read it to provide a model.


Now you always use falling intonation in your answers unless you list items.

If you list items, use rising intonation until you get to the last item in your list.

For example, yes, I do.  I play the flute, clarinet and saxophone. [see screen and listen Jennifer]


Question 1

Again I’ll pause to give you a chance to read the question on your own.

Choose your answer and use falling intonation.


At this point, I’d like to share some helpful tips for more natural intonation.


so good falling intonation in your voice need to come down at higher note. 

so for good rising intonation, your voice needs to come up from a lower note. 


Let me demonstrate all through example.


The first sentence can be read as one thought group. 

Let’s mark that. 

We’re giving factual information making a statement. 

So we use falling intonation.  Our final content word is neighbors, stress on the first syllable. 

Now, our voice must go up before goes down. So it’ll rise on the stress syllable and then step down to a lower pitch, neighbors.

Now in the sentence we can’t start too low or else you won’t hear the following intonation.

If I start too low, it sounds like this.  [see screen and listen Jennifer]  And now with that kind of intonation, not only can you not really hear falling intonation, it actually sounds like I’m bored.  And if I start too high, it sounds unnatural. [see screen and listen Jennifer] So, you see I actually have to begin our sentence at a mid pitch.  [see screen and listen Jennifer] understand? 


The second sentence will also read as one thought group.  What’s the final content word giving new information? Musician / with stress on the middle syllable.  Again our voice must go up before it goes down.  So we’ll rise on the stressed syllable and then step down. 

There are more unstressed words following so our voice will either continue to go down or at least stay at that low pitch // until the end of statement.


Now at the end of the question, we have a question.

We’re asking a yes or no question, so we’ll use rising intonation and what is the final content word?

It’s neighborhood, but is that the word received primary stress? I argued no, because we’re going to contrast your neighborhood and my neighborhood.

At first I’m talking about my neighbors, now I want to know about your neighbors. So stress is on your, so this is the point where our voice rises there must first be a fall, drop in your voice. Without that drop, the rise is too sharp.


It sounds unnatural.

So first there is a little bit of drop, we go up on your, and because we have more unstressed syllables following, our voice will continue to go up. So there is a bit of drop, and then we continue to go up up up into the end of the question. 

Listen to the entire example now. 



Do you perform?  I do.  I perform on flute mostly these days. 

Who do you perform for or who do you perform with? 

I play with a group called Ensemble Robot and where I actually help to build a Robot, and then I also sing in playing my instruments with Robots, too.


I hope to make additional lessons on intonation because there’re more patterns to present in practice.  But that’s all for now and I hope you found this lesson useful. 

Thank you for watching and happy studies…!


  • Robot



Don’t change word stress and use intonation as an assistant tool to make more natural rhythm and melody in your speech.



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