15 | 03 | 2013
French Italian Serbian Spanish Ukrainian

Priceless Elephant - Бесценный слон

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Mastercard Priceless Elephant





Where is the man?

at the park

at the zoo

at home


Why is the man walking away?

He feels sick.

He is going to eat lunch.

He's angry at the elephant.


What does the elephant pick up?

something to eat

a piece of paper

the man's credit card


Where is the elephant going?


to the man's home

to the zoo


What does the man buy at the pharmacy?

coffee and a sandwich

soup, medicine, and a blanket

some candy and some fruit


How does the elephant pay for the things?

with cash

with a credit card

with a check


Where does the elephant go when he leaves the pharmacy?

back to the zoo

to another store

to the man's house


How does the man feel when he sees the elephant?





at the zoo

He feels sick.

the man's credit card


soup, medicine, and a blanket

with a credit card

to the man's house



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