In a twist to the fairy tale, the Huntsman ordered to take Snow White into the woods to be killed winds up becoming her protector and mentor in a quest to vanquish the Evil Queen.
Questions: Mirror, Mirror, on the ___________ War While Wall
Who's the ____________ of them all fallest fairest fellest
What is the name of the Man the Queen is talking to? Huntsman Handsomely Houndman
The Queen wants Snow White... Dead Alive Unharmed
The Huntsman does not... have eyes see care about Snow White
Snow White... has seen what the Queen sees knows what the Queen wants has seen what the Queen loves
The Queen will give this _____________ world a queen. wrecked riddled wretched
___________ red as blood. Lips Hips Rips
Hair _________________. black as night black and white blackened sight
The Queen wants the _________ of Snow White love heart part