15 | 03 | 2013

Feeling Down? Smile Anyway

Recession got you down? Don't let a hiring manager know it. More often than not, confidence and a positive attitude trump skill and experience in the eyes of employers. Cat Miller explains.



How to Answer 'Tell Me About Yourself...'



 So, says the interviewer. Tell me about yourself. Sounds pretty benign. But saying the wrong thing here can be lethal.


How To Write a Cover Letter


Applying for a new job? Learn how to write a cover letter with these job hunting tips from Howcast.



How To Network


What you need to know in networking



How To Fit in on Your First Day Of Work

Level: Intermediate

Objective: To have students describe and discuss their first day at work



Tailoring Your Resume Isn't Cheating


Some job-seekers paint their skills and experiences in identical language whenever they send out a resume or go to an interview. That's a mistake.



How to buy a house - Как покупать дом


Level: Advanced

Objective: To discuss tips on buying a house



Travel Safety Tips

Level: Intermediate

Objective: To discuss travelling, tourists, tourist scams and problems while travelling

How to plan and what to avoid during your international trip - как планировать и что нужно избегать во время путешествий.



Protect Your ID - Защитите свои личные данные


 Protect Your ID - защитите свои личные данные During Your Job Search -  при поиске работы


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