In this question, - вэтомвопросеyou will listen to a conversation - выпрослушаетебеседу.
You will then be asked to talk about the information - васпопросятпоговоритьобинформацииin the conversation and give to your opinion about the ideas presented - вбеседеидатьвашемнениеопредставленныхидеях.
After you hear the question, - послетого, каквыуслышитевопрос, you will have 20 seconds - увасбудет 20 секунд, to prepare your response - чтобыподготовитьвашответand 60 seconds to speak - и 60 секунд, чтобыговорить.
Sample practice – примерная практика.
(Now listen to a conversation between two students - сейчас послушайтебеседумеждудвумястудентами).
Now, great… - сейчас, великолепно …
What’s wrong - чтослучилось?
My computer broke down - мойкомпьютерсломался, as you know the report is due tomorrow - каквызнаете, отчетдолженбытьготовзавтра.
Now what am I going to do -чтоябудуделать теперь?
Did you save your files - высохранилисвоифайлы?
If you did, - есливыэтосделали, there might be a way to open them - мог быбытьспособоткрытьих.
Unfortunatelyno, - к сожалению, нет, Ididn’tsavethem - я не сохранил их.
Ican’tbelieveit - я не могу поверить этому.
SeeIwasalmostdone - смотри, я почти все сделал.
EvenifIstayupallnight, - даже если я не буду ложиться спать всю ночь, Idon’tthinkthatIwillbeabletofinishitbytomorrow - я не думаю, что буду в состоянии закончить это завтра.
Whydon’tyougodowntothehelpdesk- почему вы не спуститесь до стола помощи?
I’msuretheycouldhelpyou - я уверена, что они могли бы помочь вам.
Yeah, Iknow, butit’salmostmidnight - да, я знаю, но сейчас - почти полночь.
Ihavetopay- я должен буду заплатить extraforafter-hourservice - дополнительно за внеурочное обслуживание.
I rather the library charges money for any services or help after 10 at night - яскореебиблиотекавзимаюденьгизалюбыеуслугиилипомощьпосле 10 ночью.
Oh, is that true - о, этоправда?
I didn’t know about that - я незналаобэтом.
Thenwhydon’tyoutalktoyourprofessortomorrow- тогда, почему бы вам не поговорить со своим профессором завтра?
Maybeshecouldgiveyou- возможно, она могла бы дать вам anextension - дополнительное время.
If you tell her what happened to your computer, - есливыговоритеей, чтослучилосьсвашимкомпьютером, I think she’ll understand - ядумаю, чтоонапоймет.
No way, - низачто, I remember when Jennifer asked her for extension - япомню, когдаДженниферпросилаунеедополнительноевремя,because she was hospitalized; - так каконабылагоспитализирована; Professor Fickle refused - профессорФиклотказалаand told Jennifer it would be unfair to the other students - исказалаДженнифер, чтоэтобылобынесправедливопоотношениюкдругимстудентам.
Ithinksheisreallystrict - я думаю, что она действительно строга.
Idon’tthinkthatacomputerbreakdownproblem- я не думаю, что проблема с поломкой компьютера couldbeanexcuse - может быть оправданием.
(The two students talk about the man’s problem - этидвастудентаговорятопроблемечеловека.
Describe the problem and state - опишитепроблемуиутверждения, which of two solutions you prefer and why – какоеиздвухрешенийвыпредпочтетеипочему?
Please begin speaking - пожалуйста, начнитеговоритьafter the beep -послезвуковогосигнала).
Themanworries- человек волнуется, thathemightnotmeettheduedateчто он не может сделать работу в срок,ashiscomputerbrokedown- поскольку его компьютер сломался, whiledoinghisschoolwork– в то время, пока он делал его школьную работу.
Thewomansuggestshim- женщина предлагаетемуtoaskhelpatthehelpdesk- попросить помощи orasktheprofessortoanextension– или попросить профессора о дополнительном времени.
Ithinkheshouldgodowntoahelpdesk- я думаю, что он должен спуститься до стола помощи andseeiftheycanhelp - и узнать, смогут ли они ему помочь.
Thebestreason- лучшая причина isthatitmaybeaminortechnicalproblem–то, что это может быть незначительная техническая проблема.
As the staff members at the help desk - каксотрудникистолапомощиor an expert in computers - илиэкспертвкомпьютерахthey will easily find out how to restore his file - онилегконайдут, каквосстановитьегофайл.
You have to pay the money, - выдолжнызаплатитьденьги, but it could save his time as well - ноониможетсэкономитьеговремятакже.
AlsoIthink– также, я думаю, meetingtheduedate- выполнение должно быть в срок, isproblemorresponsibility– это проблема или ответственность.
Ifhedoesn’twanttomaketheprofessor - если он не хочет, чтобы профессора почувствовал, feelhe’sunreliable - что он ненадежен.
I think he rather find a way - я думаю, чтоонскореенайдетспособ, than to talk about the problem - чемговоритьопроблеме.
Practice test 1
(Now listen to the conversation between two students.)
Oh,,,oh, we’re in trouble.
What do you mean we’re in trouble?
What’s wrong? Well, you will know that one of the famous philosophers is supposed to give us a speech next week?
Yeah, I heard about that.
I read it in the school bulletin. So, what about it? Why are you so concern?
Well, I’m so worry that not many students are aware of it.
I’m getting worried that he might have to give a speech in a large with only a few students. If that happens, I’m going to feel really bad for the lecturer.
Yeah, I get your point. Say, if you’re that concern, what about sending e-mails to whole department?
I’m sure that students will check the emails and could be a good chance to let them know about it. Yeah, that could be a way.
Or why don’t you ask the Professor to lead the discussion class rather than a lecture?
Tell the professor that students want to talk more deeply about his book, which is recently published.
Well, I guess that it won’t be easy to ask the professor for a change because the lecture is in a week. I need a solution anyway.
The students discussed two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Describe the problem, then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why. Please begin speaking after the beep.
The guest speaker is coming to give a speech next week and a woman is worried that not many students will come.
Two suggestions are given; send e-mails to the students or ask the professor to lead the discussion instead of giving a speech.
I think it will be better to send e-mails to the students.
I’m sure that most of the students check their e-mail everyday so it will be the best way to inform them about the speech. Also I think the professor won’t have enough time to prepare.
Only a week is left and surely the speaker will have his own agenda so I think the woman should send e-mails to the students.
Practice test 2
(Now listen to a conversation between two people.)
Hello, professor Finley. How are you?
Oh, hello, Professor Brown, I’m good. How about yourself?
I’m fine except for one thing. One of my students has a swimming competition that she has to attend, but it’s on the day of our term exam. I want to give her the opportunity to do both, but I don’t know how.
I can’t arrange that. If I give her an extension, I have to do that whole class. And I don’t think I want to do that.
Do you have any suggestions? Well, how about allowing her to take a make up test? It’s not an extension; you can just continue with the other student’s exams and give her separate test paper on the day of her return. In that play, you don’t have to change your schedule. The only thing you have to do is to make another test paper.
I’ve thought of that too, but our department never allows make up tests.
It’s a way to prevent plagiarism. Hum.. then, why don’t you give her an extra writing assignment?
Give her long and challenging assignment that’s enough to cover the content of the exam so that it could make up for her missed exam so her grade for her paper would be her grade for the exam. I think you can work your way around, can’t you?
Maybe, but the problem is, she is taking too many other courses and has many writing assignments too.
If I give her another writing assignment on top of the others, I think the result will be worse than expected.
The professors discussed two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Describe the problem, then state which of two solutions you prefer and explain why.
In the conversation, the woman doesn’t know what to do.
She wants to give the opportunity to her student to attend the swimming competition and write the final exam scheduled for the same time.
The man offers two possible solutions either give the student a make-up exam or an extra writing assignment.
I think the woman should give the student an extra writing assignment.
Since the school doesn’t allow anyone to take a make-up exam, I’m sure they won’t make an exception just for her. Although it won’t be on the same day that other people have to take it, it would be fair if the content of the assignment covers the term.
For these reasons, the woman should give a writing assignment.
Practice Three
(Now listen to two students as they talk about mess in the dorm.)
Have you ever been downstairs’ dorm kitchen? No I stayed up all night doing my projects and just came back from my class.
What’s up with the kitchen? Well, I just went down there to heat up some soup and I was surprised to see the mess. You should’ve seen the greasy dishes and leaky facets and the trash can that is never empty.
The university should hire a genitor for the dorm. I mean if the students can’t do it, there should be someone assumed to be responsibility.
Yeah, you’re right, but maybe it will cost us money. I heard that the student committee’s always worrying about the tight budget. I don’t think they can afford to pay for a genitor.
Then if the dorm and administrator can afford the money, what about making students assigned the chores? If we make a schedule to check up what is done and what is not, it will be much better. Then we don’t have to stand the mess.
The two students give two possible solutions about the dorm kitchen. Describe the problem, then state which of two solutions you prefer and explain why. Pleases begin speaking after the beep.
The student said the dorm kitchen should be cleaned and to solve the problem two solutions are given. The university could hire a staff to take care of the dorm or the students can make a list and divide chores equally.
I think assigning the chores would be better.
The first reason is that money could be saved as the university is worrying about the money even if they decide to hire a staff. I’m sure the students would have to wait for a long time. Another thing is that if the students divide the chores, they will learn the responsibility for where they live.
I think the students don’t care for that because they believe someone else will clean it up.
But while cleaning up the kitchen, students will be more like hosts.