Hugh Laurie: the British accent vs the American

The fantastically talented Hugh Laurie paid a house call to Ellen, and they played an exciting game of American slang versus English slang - and the game was bloody brilliant!
Now - сейчас I’m gonna give you - я собираюсь представить вам some slangs, American slangs - немного американского сленга.
We’re gonna take turns - мы будем меняться местами and will see how much you know - и будет видно, как много вы знаете, how much I know - и как много я знаю.
OK, First one - первое выражение, I’m gonna give you - которое я собираюсь представить, is a flossing - это «чистка зубной нитью»
You know - Вы знаете, flossing means - что означает flossing?
see Hugh’s face – посмотрите на лицо Хью
Actually flossing… no – действительно flossing… нет!
It’s slang - это сленг. It’s slang - это сленг.
You do know - вы знаете what actual flossing is - что на самом деле означает flossing?
I know - знаю.
I know American’s opinion - я знаю, это мнение американцев of British’s dental practice… - о качестве услуг британских дантистов...
Yes, I do know about it - да я знаю об этом.
That would be something – это могло бы быть что-то close fitting – близкое настройке and the… no, I don’t know…- и …не, я не знаю …
Beep – звуковой сигнал
That was to really show you - это должно действительно показать Вам, how wrong you were - как неправы Вы были!
That’s gonna - это когда собираетесь, rubbing in…- втереть …
Yeah, really … - да, действительно …, that was aggressive - это было агрессивно;
I’m sorry - я сожалею, cause I could’ve say just no - потому что я мог бы сказать только нет.
We .. in America we really like rubbing in.. - мы.., в Америке нам действительно нравится втирать..
Ah, it’s showing off, flossing - ах, это хвастаться, flossing.
Really - правда?
Yeah, showing off is flossing - да, хвастовство – это flossing!
OK… - хорошо
Yes! All right! What sound does it make when you’re right? It’s buzz?
Ding! Like that! Which is … probably different sound in England.
It is.. yeah.
Well, whenever right’s in England…
- Rub in, v. To harp on (an unpleasant matter) .
- Show off, v. To display or behave in an ostentatious or conspicuous way.
Be careful not to be showing off people what you have.
Chin Wag! Chin Wag!
Difficult to say it again.
Chin Wag? Yeah! That would be… uh.. uh.. a blundering idiot!
A Chin Wag, you Chin Wag! No? No! Is that.. it’s actually a verb, it means to chat, literally to why you Chin Wag? That’s very literal, it’s not really.
Chin Wag! Chin, Chin, Chin, did I mispronunciate it? I think that’s ..
I would’ve never got it wrong. Ooo…. I couldn’t understand from thick British accent. It would have gotten if in slow motion..
Chin Wag, of course!
That does sound like.., all right! We’re tided? Yes! Tied at nothing.
- Blunder, v. To make a stupid, usually serious error in; botch.
Ba-donka-donk! [see Hugh’s face] means to pose someone on a motorcycle and then see a police car break suddenly. No… it’s extremely curvaceous female behind.
Right! Ba-donka-donk! We definitively don’t have those in .. you don’t have? No, Is it Ba-donka-….
Ba-donka-donk! It’s fantastic word. Isn’t it great?
You use it from now on … I enjoy your Ba-donka-donk, Honey!
like this.
All right?
That’s fantastic.
- Curvaceous, a. Having the curves of a full or voluptuous figure.
Chuffed to bits! Chuffed to bits. Chuffed to bits.
Chuffed…. Just exhausted! No, no! It’s to be really pleased, to be really pleased about, to be trued by something. I’m Chuffed to bits! That’s what I meant.. I’m in delight by...
Chuffed to bits by [Ding!!] I would be Chuffed to bits by your Ba-donka-donk, exactly… we’re gonna end on this one because everyone has learned this by watching the show cause I’ve helped them.
Shawty! Shawty? Shawty!
Shawty have them map them bottom, gees sweet with the birds.
Shawty had them baggy sweep pants, rebutton with the strap.. turn around and give away… it’s still one word? Shawty! Right..!
She hit the floor, she hit the floor… yeah, none of this is helping! Say you don’t… Shawty got a low low low low.. No. I really.. Shawty is a young kid or woman. Really? Yeah!
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